
Showing posts from April, 2023

Important Economic terms during Indian medieval history (for upsc,state pcs and various other exams)

Economic terms during Indian medieval period Indian medieval history is a fascinating era marked by significant economic growth and development. From exam point of view, it is crucial to have a solid understanding of the key economic terms associated with this period, as they are often tested on various exams( upsc, state pcs ,etc) .Some of the most important historical economic terms from Indian medieval history that you should be familiar with include: Kosita - shallow wells( kuchha wells) Kohar - brick lined walls Jims-i-kamil - highly grade crops Baoris - step wells Jalhas - lakes and ponds Motasthal - land irrigated by wells( especially in Maharashtra) Abi - irrigated land Khushki - unirrigated land Nancai - wet land Puncai - dry land Zakat -  Transit duty Riaya - peasants Khiraj - land tax Dasavanda - transferable property ( especially in Karnataka) Kamins - people of lowest rung  Patels - Village headmen Amils - revenue collectors Muquaddams - Village head Nankar - portion of

Indian feminist historiography

Indian feminist historiography  Before answering the question what is feminist  historiography, it is important to highlight how gender approach emerged. As human society has evolved, new approaches to age old issues have developed. It is the recent concern and debates about the subordination of women and the need for the empowerment of women which gave rise to the gender sensitive approach to history. It began to be felt that women were ignored in the given conventional version of history. Women’s experiences have often been marginalized in historical narratives, which has led to a dearth of documentation on their lives and contributions. The resultant search for a history inclusive of women has greatly expanded the scope of Historical enquiry - a change that is considered to be a revolution in historiography. Indian feminist historiography aims to critically examine and highlight the role of women in Indian history . It challenges the traditional, patriarchal narratives of history an